Allied Academies

Ben Ale

Ben Ale
Professor, Safety Science (chemistry & Risk management)
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

B.J.M. Ale is emeritus professor at TU-Delft in Safety Science and Disaster Management. He was full professor from 2002 to 2012. He also was professor at the University of Ghent and of EPFL in Lausanne. B.J.M. Ale is visiting professor in Risk management at the University of Antwerp. Before that prof. Ale had career starting as a scientists at the University of Amsterdam, researcher at a chemical company. He was from 1980 employed by the Directorate General for Environment. Here he was responsible for the formulation and implementation of the governmental policies to protect man and environment from major hazards posed by chemical industry, the transport of chemicals and air traffic. These policies are still in place. In the development of the policy he also initiated and guided the development of several decision support systems. Among these are SAFETI, now a world-wide used system for the analysis of risks of chemical installations and transport. Subsequently he led the national external safety centre and then the research section of the national fire institute. Currently he takes part in safety projects among other developing Bayesian Belief Net based quantitative risk analysis models.

Research Interest

Risk management of chemicals, transport of chemicals and air traffic, hazards posed by chemical industry

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