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Emerging Techniques on Polymer Science and Technology


Polymers are long-chained materials made by bonding and a series of bulk blocks. Polymers play a vital role in our day-to-day life such as clothing made from synthetic fibers, fiberglass, nylon bearings, polyethylene cups, plastic bags, etc. Today the PolymerIndustries and is rapidly developed and has a larger value than other Industries.


Polymer Science 2022 will be the best path to Knowledge and to Explore things. Polymer Science 2022 will keep you filled with the latest technology and ongoing research in the field. This will be the best way to nourish your Research and will make you interact with Scientists around the world.


World-renowned speakers, the most recent researches, innovations, and novel updates in the field of Polymer are hallmarks of this Congress.


Reasons to attend:

-To interact with the eminent experts and personalities working in the field of Polymer Science.

-Enhance your knowledge

-Share your innovative ideas

-Worldwide Networking and career opportunities


Target Audiences:


• Eminent personalities

• Directors


• President

• Vice-president

• Research scientists

• Organizations

• Post-doctorates and Doctorates

• Associations heads and Professors

• Polymer science laboratory heads

• Students 

• Other affiliates related to thearea of polymer science

Welcome Message

It is my exquisite honor to welcome you to the “2nd Annual Summit on polymer science and Technology" and is planned to take place on August 11, 2021 | Webinar The main objective of the conference is to make an opportunity to present the research works, articles which are technically related to polymer science and to have experience along with the highly delighted persons from all over the world.

polymer science 2021welcomes all remarkable scientists, physicians, college graduates, Professors, researchers in polymer sciences, biomedical engineers and pharmacists from all over the arena, in addition to our global and worldwide presenters and beneficent sponsors, to attend the International Conference on “polymer science 2021”.
We're happy to have the guide of a notable cadre of sponsors and speakers, whom I am hoping you will get to meet during the conference and sessions. As you recognize, there are a wide range of reforms beneath attention. The speakers within the program are uniquely located to discuss those reforms and spotlight the important issues, developments, and modern practices in the field of advanced polymer science for the target audience. Particularly exciting may be to learn the priorities, trends and knowledge from numerous nearby, regional, and worldwide traders, organizations, well-known setters, speakers, and different influencers.
Before ending of these comments, it’s my honor to welcome you all once again to the “polymer science 2021” and hope that all our efforts and knowledge will make it successful. I certainly desire you will have a good experience within these 2 days of conference, discussion, and networking.
We are welcoming you all for the “polymer science 2021” conference.

Scientific Sessions/Tracks

Polymer Science- The Next Generation


The majorchallenges for humans in the future will be Food, Health, Information and Communication,energy and resources, etc.  And it is nodoubt that polymers play a major role in the future.  Polymeric Materials are the Scope of themillennium.  Synthetic polymers play avital role in medicine and also in the future. The polymers will also be thegreater solution for the plastics. Bioplastics cansupplant routine plastics in the field.


Polymer Polymer Conference | Polymer Journal | Polymer Congress Global Polymer Market Polymer Science | Polymer Technology Polymer Types | Macromolecule | Synthetic Plastics | Polymer Physics | Polymer Chemistry | Bioplastics | Polymer Engineering | Polymer Industry | Biopolymer Conference | Material Science | Plastic Polymerization | PolymerStructure Polymer Material | Polymer Classification | Monomers


Biopolymersare polymers produced from natural either chemically synthesized orbiologically synthesized. Bio Polymers are used in many fields such as foodpackaging, Cosmetics, medicine, etc. The study of Bio Polymers to replace petroleumproducts and to analyze the properties of the materials to determine itsability to replace petroleum products. The electro biopolymers are the onewhich have electrical and ionic conductivity in them and can be replaced withthe SyntheticPolymers.


Polymer Polymer Conference | Polymer Journal | Polymer Congress Global Polymer Market Polymer Science | Polymer Technology Polymer Types | Macromolecule | Synthetic Plastics | Polymer Physics | Polymer Chemistry | Bioplastics | Polymer Engineering | Polymer Industry | Biopolymer Conference | Material Science | Plastic Polymerization | PolymerStructure Polymer Material | Polymer Classification | Monomers

Polymer Industries:

 Polymers that aremanufactured from the plastic industrywitnessed a massive growth in the global market and offer services to a widerange of industries such as building and construction, electronics and it has ahigh demand in vertical industries such as food, beverages,and packaging, etc. 


Polymer Polymer Conference | Polymer Journal | Polymer Congress Global Polymer Market Polymer Science | Polymer Technology Polymer Types | Macromolecule | Synthetic Plastics | Polymer Physics | Polymer Chemistry | Bioplastics | Polymer Engineering | Polymer Industry | Biopolymer Conference | Material Science | Plastic Polymerization | PolymerStructure Polymer Material | Polymer Classification | Monomers


 Due tohigh luminance, efficiency, simple instrumentation, chemiluminescencematerials have been the subject of active research in the field of MaterialChemistry. The luminol and derivatives contain pyridazineunits that have been widely used in food, pesticide, air pollution analysis.Polymer Science 2021 will explains the ongoing development of the novel CLmaterial.


Polymer Polymer Conference | Polymer Journal | Polymer Congress Global Polymer Market Polymer Science | Polymer Technology Polymer Types | Macromolecule | Synthetic Plastics | Polymer Physics | Polymer Chemistry | Bioplastics | Polymer Engineering | Polymer Industry | Biopolymer Conference | Material Science | Plastic Polymerization | PolymerStructure Polymer Material | Polymer Classification | Monomers


The change in the properties of the polymers such astensile strength, color, size, molecular weight, etc. is known as polymerdegradation. There are various types of PolymerDegradation methods are available. By these methods, it is said to be thatthe land and water pollution can be reduced. To know more about the Topic join usin PolymerScience 2021.


Polymer PolymerConference | Polymer Journal | PolymerCongress GlobalPolymer Market Polymer Science | PolymerTechnology Polymer Types | Macromolecule | Synthetic Plastics | Polymer Physics | PolymerChemistry | Bioplastics | PolymerEngineering | Polymer Industry | BiopolymerConference | Material Science | Plastic Polymerization | Polymer Structure Polymer Material | PolymerClassification | Monomers


   Polymer chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with chemical synthesis, chemicalproperties of polymers, physical properties of polymers, structure, andmacromolecules. Polymer chemistry is the analysis of how the smaller monomerscombine and create useful materials with specific characteristics bymanipulating the molecular structure of the monomers used, thecomposition of the monomer combinations, and applying chemical and processingtechniques that can affect the properties of the final product to a largeextent.  


Polymer Polymer Conference | Polymer Journal | Polymer Congress Global Polymer Market Polymer Science | Polymer Technology Polymer Types | Macromolecule | Synthetic Plastics | Polymer Physics | Polymer Chemistry | Bioplastics | Polymer Engineering | Polymer Industry | Biopolymer Conference | Material Science | Plastic Polymerization | PolymerStructure Polymer Material | Polymer Classification | Monomers

Polymers in Day-to Day life:

    Polymers are extensively usedin advanced materials, which are found in most of the materialsused in our day-to-day life. Till now, the polymers have been much morehighlighted because of their applications in different dominionsof sciences, technologies, and industry – from basic uses to biopolymersand therapeuticpolymers.


Polymer Polymer Conference | Polymer Journal | Polymer Congress Global Polymer Market Polymer Science | Polymer Technology Polymer Types | Macromolecule | Synthetic Plastics | Polymer Physics | Polymer Chemistry | Bioplastics | Polymer Engineering | Polymer Industry | Biopolymer Conference | Material Science | Plastic Polymerization | PolymerStructure Polymer Material | Polymer Classification | Monomers

Rheology in Polymers:

   Polymer rheology is the study of forceapplied is related to the deformation and flow of the material. Rheology has alot of applications in areas such as food, texture, personal care products,pharmacy, and polymers, among others. In melt polymers, rheology is an important tool to understand the behavior under processing conditions and to designequipment, as well as to manufacture several objects.


Polymer Polymer Conference | Polymer Journal | Polymer Congress Global Polymer Market Polymer Science | Polymer Technology Polymer Types | Macromolecule | Synthetic Plastics | Polymer Physics | Polymer Chemistry | Bioplastics | Polymer Engineering | Polymer Industry | Biopolymer Conference | Material Science | Plastic Polymerization | PolymerStructure Polymer Material | Polymer Classification | Monomers

Polymer Physics:

The field of physicsthat studies polymers, their fluctuations, mechanical properties, theirkinetics and the process involving their degradation and polymerization areknown as PolymerPhysics. Polymer Physics explains the important types of Polymers such asthermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers, and syntheticfibers.



Polymer Polymer Conference | Polymer Journal | Polymer Congress Global Polymer Market Polymer Science | Polymer Technology Polymer Types | Macromolecule | Synthetic Plastics | Polymer Physics | Polymer Chemistry | Bioplastics | Polymer Engineering | Polymer Industry | Biopolymer Conference | Material Science | Plastic Polymerization | PolymerStructure Polymer Material | Polymer Classification | Monomers

Polymersin Medical Implants:

Polymers are the major components in all biologicalprocesses. The genetic information required for the growth is being encodedin the DNA which is said to a polymer. Bandagingand dressing have been dominated by the Polymers. Synthetic Polymers areused to make sutures that were used as a cat gun for over 2000 years. Polymer Science 2021will be the path for future medicinal development using Polymers.


Polymer Polymer Conference | Polymer Journal | Polymer Congress Global Polymer Market Polymer Science | Polymer Technology Polymer Types | Macromolecule | Synthetic Plastics | Polymer Physics | Polymer Chemistry | Bioplastics | Polymer Engineering | Polymer Industry | Biopolymer Conference | Material Science | Plastic Polymerization | PolymerStructure Polymer Material | Polymer Classification | Monomers

Polymersin Information and Communication:

Avast explosion in Informationand Communication has been witnessed in the past- half-century.  The idea of employing Polymers not only toimprove the quality but also to encounter the issues where they have not beenemployed. Over the last 20 years, researchers have been developed Polymersthat exhibit electrical and optical properties which are found only in inorganic materials.


Polymer Polymer Conference | Polymer Journal | Polymer Congress Global Polymer Market Polymer Science | Polymer Technology Polymer Types | Macromolecule | Synthetic Plastics | Polymer Physics | Polymer Chemistry | Bioplastics | Polymer Engineering | Polymer Industry | Biopolymer Conference | Material Science | Plastic Polymerization | PolymerStructure Polymer Material | Polymer Classification | Monomers

Polymer Sensors:

  Degradation is often due to a change in the chemical or physical structure ofthe polymerchain, which in turn leads to a decreasein the molecular weight of the polymer. This occurs primarily because of the effectof these factors on the chemicalcomposition of the polymer.


Polymer Polymer Conference | Polymer Journal | Polymer Congress Global Polymer Market Polymer Science | Polymer Technology Polymer Types | Macromolecule | Synthetic Plastics | Polymer Physics | Polymer Chemistry | Bioplastics | Polymer Engineering | Polymer Industry | Biopolymer Conference | Material Science | Plastic Polymerization | PolymerStructure Polymer Material | Polymer Classification | Monomers

Polymer Nano fiber:

 Futureadvancements in nanofiber technology will be fueled primarily by improvements in electrospinning technology and process control to allow consistent production of Nanofibermats with single-digit fiber diameters, and the potential to combine severalphysicals, chemical, and biological functionalities into a single fiber to makemultipurpose fibermats and smart materials a reality. The functionalities considered need tomove well beyond the simple passive effects of biocidal effectiveness, superhydrophobicity by surface texturing, or simple breathable biodegradable wounddressings.


Polymer Polymer Conference | Polymer Journal | Polymer Congress Global Polymer Market Polymer Science | Polymer Technology Polymer Types | Macromolecule | Synthetic Plastics | Polymer Physics | Polymer Chemistry | Bioplastics | Polymer Engineering | Polymer Industry | Biopolymer Conference | Material Science | Plastic Polymerization | PolymerStructure Polymer Material | Polymer Classification | Monomers

Polymers and Plastics:

Aplasticis said to be a Polymer Material that is added with additives and molded withcertain temperature and pressure. For over years Bioplastic is beenthe solution for the replacement of plastics and bioplastics are made ofsugar, starch, cellulose which are biopolymers.Polymer Science 2021 will pave the path for a new invention in Plastics.


Polymer Polymer Conference | Polymer Journal | Polymer Congress Global Polymer Market Polymer Science | Polymer Technology Polymer Types | Macromolecule | Synthetic Plastics | Polymer Physics | Polymer Chemistry | Bioplastics | Polymer Engineering | Polymer Industry | Biopolymer Conference | Material Science | Plastic Polymerization | PolymerStructure Polymer Material | Polymer Classification | Monomers

Emerging Research inPolymers:

Over the use of Polymers as Biomaterialshave been increased. Seasickness patches are one of the ongoing researches inPolymer Science. Let’s dig some current topics in Polymer Science byjoining together.



Polymer Polymer Conference | Polymer Journal | Polymer Congress Global Polymer Market Polymer Science | Polymer Technology Polymer Types | Macromolecule | Synthetic Plastics | Polymer Physics | Polymer Chemistry | Bioplastics | Polymer Engineering | Polymer Industry | Biopolymer Conference | Material Science | Plastic Polymerization | PolymerStructure Polymer Material | Polymer Classification | Monomers

Market Analysis

Inthe currentgeneration, it is possible to create polymers from different elements withalmost any quality desired in a product. Few polymers are similar in existingconventional materials but with greater economic values, some representsignificant improvements over existingmaterials and some can only be described as unique materials withcharacteristics unlike any previously known to man. The growth of polymers fromall indications will be not only from the development of new polymers but alsofrom the chemical and physical modification of existing ones. On another side,improved fabricationtechniques will result in low-cost products.



Theglobal chemical compound market (2016–2021) is calculable to succeed in USD171.96 Billion by 2021 at a CAGR of 8.5%. The report covers the chemicalcompound foam market by organic compound sort, like polyurethane (PU),cinnamene (PS), PVC (PVC), phenolic, polyolefin, cyanuramide, and others; byapplication, like packaging, building & construction, and others; and byregion, namely, Europe, Asia-Pacific, North America. The base year thought offor the study is 2015, whereas the forecast amount is between 2016 and 2021.The increase in demand for chemical compound foamsin applications, such as automotive, building & construction, and packagingfacilitates the expansion of the market. The ECU chemical compound industriesmake the foremost important contribution to the welfare in Europe bysanctionative innovation, making the quality of life to voters, andfacilitating resource potency and climate protection. nearly quite one.5 million individuals are operating in 60,000 corporations (mainly tiny andmedium-sized corporations within the changing sector) to make a turnover on topof 340 EURO each year. The industry includes Polymer producers - depicted byPlastics Europe,converters - depicted by EuPC, and machine makers - depicted by EUROMAP.

About1.1 million tonnes of primary plastics were made in a European country in 2010,and with extra trade of polymers and semi-finished and final product, 1.3million tonnes of plastic product is used for Austrian consumption. Thisconsumption is distributed over 10 consumption sectors, of that packaging(24%), non-plastic product (20%), building and construction (18%), et al. (13%)are the foremost necessary ones. when the employment part, around fifty-threeof the stuff is incinerated with energy recovery, one-third of the plasticwaste flow is recycled automatically, and roughly St Martin's Day is employedfor feedstockusage. solely minor fractions of the waste flow are landfilled or reused.These results highlight the foremost relevant streams, which may facilitatefocus time and resources on the most processes or sectors, particularly forwaste management, to guide this and future waste flows to the foremostecologically and economically optimumtreatment.

In Spain


    Spain is among theten leading producers and consumers of plastic rawmaterials worldwide according to data provided by ANAIP (Spanish Associationof Plastic Industries), 3.84 million tons of plastics are consumed asraw materials for their transformation into products such as 40% on Packaging and packaging, 20% on Construction, 8% on Agriculture,and 32% on  Industry. The sector of the production and transformation of Spanish plasticsgenerates an annual turnover of approximately 16,000 million euros andgenerates nearly 69,000 jobs.


Renowned Speakers

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date August 10-11, 2021
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